Origami 8-Petal Flower
We call this the origami 8-petal flower since there doesn't seem to be an official name for it. The first few steps are the same as folding the frog base. We have a video to show how to unfold the paper and shape the flower.
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Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 1: Start by folding the origami square base
with the color side on the inside. This is a commonly used base in origami. The square base video and link are below.
You should have the following to start with.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 2: Fold the right side to meet the center line. Crease well and unfold.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 3: Pry paper open on the right side. Bring it to the center and press paper flat.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 4: Fold the upper right side of the paper over to the left.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 5: Now repeat Steps 2 to 4 on the other 3 sides of the paper. This is what you should end up with.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 6: Rotate paper 180 degrees.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 7: Fold the upper layer of the right side over to the left.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 8: Fold down the tip.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 9: Repeat Steps 7 and 8 on the other 3 sides. Your paper should now look like this.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 10: Fold paper in half by making a mountain fold.
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 11: Make an angled mountain fold. Crease well and unfold. Then proceed to use the crease and make an inside reverse fold .
Origami 8-Petal Flower Step 12: Watch the video to see how to peel back the petals and form the flower.
and your origami 8-petal flower is complete!